Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Traditions and Photos!

Recently, I started a Pinterest account. I opened up a wedding board and I posted a whole bunch of cute stuff that I would like for my wedding! If you can open one up! I am so addicted to it! I also opened up a style board, a home board, a fitness board and a funny board! It's one of the coolest things that I have done! But when you request an invitation, it may take a couple hours or so for them to email you back, it might even take a day. But here is one of the pictures that I found in pinterest!
Girls usually do this kind of thing...
This is really creative! I want one of these!

This is a really cool tradition that I have never heard of before but all of your Bridesmaids sign the bottom of the Brides shoe and whoever's name is left will be the next one to walk down the aisle! How cool is that! Don't worry if you don't catch the bouquet! you still have a chance!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

I was trying to think of another post I could possibly do that isn't a complete bore and is funny. So the other night when I was "doing my homework" and not surfing the web, I came across this dress that was really "gaga"-ish! Like I feel that she designed it or something. I wouldn't reall want it for my wedding but I wouldn't mind trying it on!

The other dress that I saw reminded me fo a poodle! who wants to look like a poodle on their wedding? Not me... but I found it really funny because when I was really little I used to dress by barbie's in really tight dresses that were tight right to the floor! I don't really know what I was thinking! Craziness!

The Third Dress I thought was the coolest because... get this... IT LIGHT'S UP!!! How cool is that? I would love to have a dress with lights attached to it! I thought that it was the coolest thing. Let's just hope that it doesn't rain! OOPS!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weddings that are a Little Rusty

My Best Friend Jess, who lives in Florida, sent me this adorable wedding idea! She know's I love Autumn and anything rustic and... well... countryish! I love antique cars and I think that it's a beautiful addition! It matches the theme and makes ties together the feel. The way that they incorporated the wheat into the whole color scheme was just brilliant! Usually I'm not a big Brown person but I really like the splashes of warm color.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ask Carley

On theknot.com, if you are a member such as myself, there are questions you can ask Carley, the editor and chief of TheKnot! She helps you with subjects that range from bridesmaid catastrophes to standing up for your ideas!I will list a few of the questions and how Carley answer's them:

Q. Do bridesmaids have to pay for their own dresses?
A. Bridesmaids are generally expected to pay for their own wedding-day ensemble (shoes and jewelry included). If you're a maid and you think the cost is going to be an issue, voice your concerns to the bride. Hopefully she'll choose a dress that's reasonably priced, or consider letting you choose your own. She may give you some color/style requirements (e.g., black and ankle-length), and then each of you would choose something that suits your standards. That way, you decide how much to spend. If your financial situation is truly traumatizing you, just be upfront with the bride about what you can and cannot afford. Everyone has to be flexible.


With the exception of one girlfriend, all of my close friends are guys. What am I supposed to do about the bridal shower, the bachelorette party and, most importantly, the wedding party? Also, my fiance and I share many of the same friends, with only a few exceptions.


If you're set on a bridal shower, perhaps your mother or another female relative can plan and host the party. (You may have heard that this is a no-no, but these days, it's no longer a faux pas for the bride's mom to throw the shower.) You might also consider a couple shower for you and your fiance -- you can invite all your male pals to that party. For your bachelorette party, why not just go out with your close girlfriend for dinner and drinks? As far as the wedding party goes, there's no rule that says the bride must have all female attendants -- or any females at all, for that matter! You can definitely choose male pals to stand up for you. If you and your groom share friends, decide between yourselves who will stand where. When you really think about it, all the attendants stand for both of you, right? Just make sure all the guys wear matching formalwear. The lesson here: You needn't follow rules that don't apply to you. When necessary, adapt them to suit your situation or just make your own.


I want to honor both my sister and best friend with the title of honor attendant. The problem is that they are both married, and I was always told you could not have two matrons of honor. What will wedding etiquette let me get away with?


There's absolutely no reason you can't have two matrons of honor. Marital status makes no difference. If these are the two women you feel closest to and you want them by your side on your wedding day, then go for it. And, if you're uncomfortable referring to them as matrons of honor because you're concerned about what some guests will think, just call them honor attendants.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

I was watching this show called 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' on TLC. I was absolutly astounded at their style of living especially when it came to weddings! The wedding dresses had to be big and the weddings were really and spectacle. The wedding dresses can weigh 700 lbs. A lot of the time the dresses are so big that they scratch the girls hips and bruise them.

This dress as electric butterflies that move when you turn them on.

"The bigger the scratches the better the dress," says a young, TEENAGE bride. Which brings me to another point. The normal age time for gypsy's to get married is at age 16-18! I mean that's really young. overall I found the show to be quite entertaining.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Fair Wedding

One of my favorite shows on television is My Fair Wedding with David Tutera.

A bride knows what she wants for her wedding — the dress, the flowers, even the icing on the cake! But with only three weeks before the big day, wedding planner David Tutera shows up and changes everything. How exactly will he tackle these brides’ outlandish ideas to give them a wedding beyond their imagination? Watch My Fair Wedding, a WE tv original series, to find out... you won't want to miss these transformations!

David has tackled weddings that have to do with the Wizard of Oz and Alice and Wonderland. Animals and Floral obsessions. Anything. I sometimes think that the shows are rigged. I mean how can a bride be that color blind! I mean some of the stuff that the brides come up with are awful!!! But in the end it's all worth it because the bride gets what she wants for free basically.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chessy Proposals!

I was touring through theknot.com with my friend trying to find a topic for my next post and we came across proposals. This has got to be good! So we were looking through all of the different ways that your true love can propose and we came across Cheesy but hilarious ways to propose! and we looked at the funniest most cheesiest, awful way to propose, and here it is.

Write your proposal in sunscreen on your stomach, so that your tan will "stencil in" the words!